Monday, March 24, 2008

Sunday picnic at North Cronulla, Easter Sunday.

On Sunday we went to Cronulla Beach for a picnic. It was an excellent sunny day, I even went into the surf.

Paddington Markets, Easter Saturday.

Easter Saturday we went to Paddo markets. Some friends visited us there and we had a good time browsing and going to a cafe for lunch.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Visiting Friends on Good Friday

We visited some more friends, I pulled some beautiful golden hair, chased a cat, played with some feathers and ate a lovely dinner.

Friday, March 21, 2008


Today we went and had lunch with some friends.

I had lots of fun with all of her toys and we watched 'The Wiggles'.

Vienna Coffee Lounge

After walking back through the shops we went to the Queen Victoria Building [QVB]. There were many shops and tourists.
Mum bought me a toy, 'Wags' the dog. [He's from 'The Wiggles'].
Just after we met a friend of my parents.
Here we are looking at the big clock in the QVB.
After we caught the hot train home, where I entertained all of the passengers sitting near me.

Archibald Fountain

Walking back to the shops, we went into Hyde Park. In the centre is a fountain called the 'Achibald Fountain'. It was very hot and I would have loved to jump in. I nearly threw my new book in there. Lucky mum saved it!

Art Gallery of New South Wales

We then walked across the park called the 'Domain' and mum let me out for a bit of a walk. Mum loves art, so we had a look in the art gallery. I must have been good, because mum bought me a book.
It was very hot and we enjoyed a drink and a snack after we left the cool gallery.

City of Sydney

Last Thursay we went to the city of Sydney on the train. I fell asleep, but when I woke we were in 'David Jones'. Mum was doing a bit of shopping.

Later we met a good friend from mum's primary school days and my second cousin.

I was not very happy during lunch and I did throw some food and water about. I was a bit frustrated being in the pram and I really wanted to run around. After mum took me to the park to run around.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Today I went to Sutherland and caught up with a student I use to teach, (way way back in time). We were lucky to meet as she just went off to lunch. She is an arty person and works in a library.


Today we went to 'Symbio' wildlife park. It is near Helensburg, south of Sydney.
I saw lots of animals up close, and I even wrestled with two kangaroos.

We fed them and they were a bit pushy, so I kicked them. It was really funny.

My mum thinks that they were really beautiful and she said they were soft too.


Last week we went to Ulladulla.

It was nice and sunny, but I was sick and didn't enjoy it as much as mum did. We had hot chips and the seagulls tried to steal them from under my pram.


I love walking in the park. Now I am use to the grass under my feet and I don't walk so funny anymore.

Mum put me backwards on the swing, lucky there was a kid who told mum the right way to put me on the seat bit.

animals at nanna's place

My nanna has two cats 'Marty' & 'Bluey'. I like pulling their tails and ears and giving them kisses. She also has a dog called 'Toby', I wasn't scared of him at all and enjoyed playing fetch with him.

Thursday, March 13, 2008