Monday, October 29, 2007


As you can see I like to play with big things, doors, tables and anything that is big and not mine.

I'm walking around the place, but I have to hold on to the furniture or walls.

I was a bit sick last week, I cried nearly all day Thursday. (my mum nearly went crazy), mum had to change my clothes six times on Friday. But, I'm almost back to normal.

I now drink only cows milk. (I cry at night so my mum can give me an extra hug, she says I have to sleep without her).

Today, I went to day-care, but I cried there too! I missed my mum and I think a new tooth is coming.

Papa is on holidays this week, so I get to play with him more during the day. I think we are going away for a couple of days...

Anyway, I must go and clean my teeth.

Love Alexandre.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Wall hangings

Ikea here in France, had these two gems, who could resist?
So we have them hanging in the lounge/dinning room. They are opaque and could be used as curtains.


mmm my first taste of Vegemite, interesting.... I like it! Even straight out of the tube. I must be Australian.

birthday + 1 Day

A big thank you to all who sents cards and gifts. I had a great birthday.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

birthday boy!

Alexandre was one today! We had a BBQ lunch with a few neighbours and friends. I made him a pirate ship cake... I am exhausted and so I think we'll go to Mc Donald's next year!