Pauline and Michelle from Australia are here in Paris this week. They speak Aussie and we have been having some fun. We've been to the Rodin Museum and mum went to the Museum d'Orsay with Pauline and Michelle. I keep scratching my face with my nails. As you can very well see. I love saying "oooooo" and chewing mum or dad's fingers.
This week I am sick.... I am hopefully getting better. I have an ear infection, which is causing all sorts of problems. I will visit the hospital again tomorrow, to see if I am getting better with antibiotics I am taking.
Here we are on our road trip, we started in a place near Rein, with some friends, Marie-Pierre, Pierre, Matilde, Gabi and Boston the dog. We spent New Year's Eve with them and then went to Mâcon. You can see the view from the Hotel room(the church). We visited a friend of Yves.
Then is was off to Marseille and Alexandre got to meet his uncles and grandmother. So he met Uncle Marc (with glasses), Uncle Pierre and Grandmother.
We also visited a sea side place called Cassis, just near Marseilles. Where people were sunbaking, some women were topless! (yikes, it was 12°c in the shade), so I don't know... it reminded me of Mosman in Sydney, luxury houses and views to die for...many artists have painted the landscape and you can see why. It is lovely there.
We then visited two bridges. One was an ancient Roman one, called "Pont du Gard", it was near the town of Nîmes. The landscape was lovely near the bridge and it was also an aquaduct. Then we drove to the new big one, near the town Millau. It was foggy just near there, so we were very lucky to see it. It was impressive.
Our final town was Montluçon, where we saw Christine, David and Julien. Alexandre's Aunty & cousins.... it was a brief visit. Unfortunately after a long drive, Alexandre was not a happy chappy.... and he cried a lot. (Julien is not in a photo).
We made it back to Paris Friday afternoon, but we all are sick.... I took Alexandre to the hospital (both of our doctors were booked up), but he's okay, he has a throat thingy, he is coughing a lot (poor bub)...and if it continues he will have to see a specialist... I thought it was bronchiolitis, so I was a little stressed over the last few days of our trip. He is also teething, so he is having a wonderful time. Yves & I are both coughing and sneezing, so we'll see.... well that is all for now,